We’ve obviously settled into the new year rather well, because there’s nothing too exciting to report this week. The boys went back to school on Monday and my house got rather quiet…and actually stayed clean for a few hours! Somedays I have to weigh out whether it’s nicer to have a messy house and the noises of boys running around playing like the pen that they just got at the R.C. Willey Health Fair is a spaceship or if it’s nicer to have the peace and quiet and the CLEAN! Most days the noise and the mess wins out…but that doesn’t mean that I like the messes, I’ve just learned to tolerate them so that I can enjoy the sweet boys!
One of the many things that I did do this week while the boys were at school was to hit the stores to see what kind of good after Christmas deals I could find. On Wednesday I was at Target and found hanging Christmas lights (the kind I put on the house outside) for only 69 cents a box! Now how could I pass up a deal like that? I couldn’t! So I bought about 12 boxes of them…and I would have bought more if they would have had them! It was just too good of a deal to leave behind! I also found some ornaments for only 50 cents a box and even though I wasn’t sure what I would do with them once I had them, I figured I could come up with something. After all, I have a whole year to think about it! Unlike the lights, I only got a couple of those though!
On my endless hunt for good deals this week, I also found some sleeping bags for the boys for 50% off...which made them only $5! I don’t know that we really needed sleeping bags all that bad, but the ones that the boys currently have are pretty thin and don’t keep them very warm, so once again, I couldn’t pass up this deal. Needless to say, as soon as the boys saw the sleeping bags, they decided that they needed to sleep in them…and they did almost every night this week! The last two nights they weren’t so lucky though because they got themselves in trouble just before it was time to go to bed...so their punishment was that they had to sleep in their regular beds! And believe me, that was pure torture for them! Hayden even went to bed with a scowl on his face and woke up the next morning with the same scowl on his face. I’m convinced that it’s soon going to grow like that if he has to sleep in his bed too many more nights!
One of the many things that I did do this week while the boys were at school was to hit the stores to see what kind of good after Christmas deals I could find. On Wednesday I was at Target and found hanging Christmas lights (the kind I put on the house outside) for only 69 cents a box! Now how could I pass up a deal like that? I couldn’t! So I bought about 12 boxes of them…and I would have bought more if they would have had them! It was just too good of a deal to leave behind! I also found some ornaments for only 50 cents a box and even though I wasn’t sure what I would do with them once I had them, I figured I could come up with something. After all, I have a whole year to think about it! Unlike the lights, I only got a couple of those though!
On my endless hunt for good deals this week, I also found some sleeping bags for the boys for 50% off...which made them only $5! I don’t know that we really needed sleeping bags all that bad, but the ones that the boys currently have are pretty thin and don’t keep them very warm, so once again, I couldn’t pass up this deal. Needless to say, as soon as the boys saw the sleeping bags, they decided that they needed to sleep in them…and they did almost every night this week! The last two nights they weren’t so lucky though because they got themselves in trouble just before it was time to go to bed...so their punishment was that they had to sleep in their regular beds! And believe me, that was pure torture for them! Hayden even went to bed with a scowl on his face and woke up the next morning with the same scowl on his face. I’m convinced that it’s soon going to grow like that if he has to sleep in his bed too many more nights!
Also this week Connor informed me that he had learned how to distinguish a “b” from a “d”, which is something that Hayden continually struggles with. Apparently Connor’s teacher taught them that with the “b”, the bat comes before the ball and with the “d” the ball comes first. I’m not sure how he’ll keep that straight but somehow I’m sure he’ll figure it out. He did inform me though that one day when he was reading he called a “bat” a “dat” by mistake. I just laughed and said something to the effect that that was an obvious mistake because we all know that there’s no such thing as a “dat”...but I guess I’m wrong! According to Connor a “dat” is a bush...and his teacher told him so! I might have to have a talk with his teacher if she keeps teaching him things like that...but somehow I don’t think that she really is! Connor just has a really good imagination! After all, did you know that “funoxious” means “Christmasy” in Brazil? That’s something that Jon taught him...or so he says!
As far as the rest of us, Rod has kept himself busy doing the thing that he likes the least...which happens to be working! I’ve been busy preparing for one of the first big parts of my calling...speaking at Ward Conferences all through January, February and March! At first I was worried about coming up with anything to say, now I’m wondering how I can fit everything I need to say into my allotted 7 minutes! I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually...even if it is after I’ve given the same talk 4 or 5 times!
Jon has been busy working more than usual this past week, which has been murder on him, but the paycheck will be nice. I guess a lady he works with has had a mom in the hospital so he’s had to cover for her. He just told me, however, that he hopes her mom gets well...but not too soon because he’s enjoying the extra hours! After he said that though, he added that he didn’t mean that to sound mean!
Chris just spent a week down in Texas with Jenny and her family and we have yet to hear how that went! He did call me the first day he was there and he told me that he was in heaven! The “guest” house that he was staying in was apparently bigger than our house and there were TV’s, video games and bowls of candy everywhere in the house. That sounds like Chris’s definition of heaven right there! He said that they had a swimming pool in their backyard too and he was thinking about going out and taking a little swim because it was actually pretty warm down there...probably 50 or 60 degrees! I wonder how that went?
Patrick officially got promoted to his new position as Sergeant this past week and we are so excited for him. I was planning on getting some pictures of the event so that I could share them with everyone, but apparently things didn’t work out because of the weather or something, so we’ll just have to trust that he really did get promoted! JK! Patrick did apologize for not getting any pictures because he knew I would be sad, and I was, but most of all I’m just excited that he got promoted! Congratulations! We also just got word that he’s going to be coming home on February 1st for a whole week and we’re looking forward to that!
I guess the one last exciting thing that happened this past week is that I learned how to make bread with my new Bosch. My friend Carmen helped me make it and it actually turned out really good. In fact, we ate the bread so fast that I had to make another batch on my own on Saturday...and that one didn’t turn out quite as good as the first one did, but I’m still going to make everyone eat it…and I’ll just keep on trying! After all, practice makes perfect right?
Getting ready to make the dough into loaves
The final product...doesn't it look good?
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