The snow actually started falling early Saturday morning, so we spent some time yesterday cleaning off the driveway and boy did it need it. Up until then, Rod hadn't had time to put the plow on the 4 wheeler and even though it had already snowed a little throughout the week, without the plow, I wasn't about to go out and shovel it was basically frozen in place on the driveway! Today though, before Rod did anything else, I made him put the plow on the 4 wheeler, so as soon as we got a chance, Hayden and I went out and plowed everything. Unfortunately, it no longer looks as though we did anything because it continued to snow off and on throughout the day and now today it's snowed nonstop most of the morning. I guess we have our work cut out for us when (or if) it ever stops snowing!
Hayden had his third grade economics fair this week and he sold all but about 4 or 5 of the magnets that we made for him to sell, so he did a great job! The name of his business was "Magnet-ude" and since he was selling magnets, we thought that was pretty clever! They had the fair on a day when I normally volunteer in his class, so I figured my help wouldn't be needed, since I usually read with the kids and that wasn't going to happen with a fair going on! I didn't feel right just blowing it off though, so I went to school with Hayden and specifically went in to ask his teacher if I was OK not to come back...or was there something she needed me to help with! Well guess what? She asked if I could stay and help right then and there. So I did...and that's pretty much where I stayed the remainder of the day! I did take a break to go volunteer in Connor's classroom for an hour and to take kids home and get Connor and myself some lunch, but I came right back and helped out all day long! Hayden loved having us there and Connor even helped him sell 2 of his magnets!
Yesterday the boys had a primary activity where they pretended to go on missions. Hayden's mission call was to France and Connor's mission call was to Brazil...and you can only guess that Hayden was incredibly jealous of Connor because he wanted to go to Brazil too, just like their big brother! Fortunately, they really got to go to all of the missions, so he didn't really miss out. They had to wear their Sunday clothes to the activity and it started at 9:00, so I had to hurry and get them ready to go. While I was tying Hayden's shoes, I glanced up and noticed Connor sucking on his fingers like he always does, so I asked him if they tasted good. Without any hesitation, he answered "they taste like strawberries, blueberries and Fridays...which is watermelon in Chinese!" Isn't he such a nut? That's almost as funny as when he sings, "Elise Nahmeenah" instead of "Feliz Navidad".
Along with plowing snow and going to a primary activity, the boys and I were able to wrap presents yesterday...and now more than ever it feels like Christmas is just around the corner! Christmas is such a fun time of year, it's hard not to get excited for it, but this year we're especially excited because our whole family will be together again for the first time in 2 1/2 years! With only 12 days left until then, we can't wait!
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