This year I realize I have lots to be thankful for, but surprisingly the thing that I am most thankful for is what to others may seem like a small thing...I am thankful for the ability to breathe, which ultimately allows me to be able to run. For the past month I have struggled with my breathing and so I have been unable to run and the soonest I could get in to see a pulmonologist to figure out what is going on is this next Friday...a full 5 or 6 weeks since I started having problems! Well guess what? Now that my doctor's appointment is now only a week away, I can finally breathe again! Isn't that the way it always happens? As it is, because I am now able to breathe, Hayden and I decided to take part in a fun little 5K race on Thanksgiving day that my friend organized. There were only 12 of us that ran and Hayden and I probably did as much running as we did walking, but we finished and we had a great time! I was just proud of him for even doing it because he has never run more than a mile 3.1 miles was a long ways for an 8 year old in 24 degree weather!
Aside from the simple act of being able to breathe, I realized that I have lots to be thankful for and if I were to make a list I wouldn't even know where to begin. However, if I'm going to start somewhere, I have to start with my husband and my family. They are the center of my life and I am truly grateful for each and every one of them, from Patrick, Chris and Jon right down to Hayden and Connor. When I talk about family though, I can't stop there. I have to include my parents and my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews as well as my in laws. I have a lot of people whom I love and are grateful to have them a part of my life. In addition, I am grateful for my friends and of course, I'm grateful for the gospel. I could go on and on, but at some point it gets kind of sappy. I'm sure you get the idea though! I am just grateful!
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