Who doesn’t love Valentine’s Day? My favorite part is the sugar cookies and all of the cute heart decorations. On the other hand, the boys just love the fact that it’s one more holiday for them to get lots of candy. I think they kind of like writing on the Valentines and getting them ready to take to school too, but definitely their favorite part is the candy! I’ve taught them well haven’t I?

Aren't these cute? It's one of my new decorations and it's made with candy canes!

This is one of my new favorite Valentine decorations

We all love decorating cookies!

Hayden gets to do the sprinkles!

The final product!

Our favorite part is eating the cookies! We were going to share but we ate them too fast!
For Valentine’s Day this year, besides helping with class parties, I decided to decorate the boy’s rooms and give them a huge stuffed animal...one that I had bought for them last year when all of the leftover Valentine’s paraphernalia was on sale for like 80% off so you can only imagine how much I paid for them!
That didn’t matter to the boys though!
I “heart attack”ed their rooms by covering their entire floor with hearts and sat their stuffed dog in the middle of all of that.
Then I closed their doors and put a big heart on the door that said “STOP!
Enter with Caution!”
The best part is that they had no idea that I was doing anything, so when they got home and saw the hearts on their doors, they couldn’t wait to go in!
And they loved it!
This may be the first and the last year I get to do that because by next year, Hayden will be too old for stuffed animals, but it was fun this year!

At Connor's class party, they decorated Valentine boxes, played games and ate Valentine treats!

Hayden's class buddies - Cody, Tyler, Hayden, Brighton

The sign on the boys door!

Hayden's room

Connor's room
Rod and I don’t normally do things for each other for Valentine’s day because we both think it’s kind of a lame holiday.
And as much as I love flowers, I always threaten him if he even thinks of paying the overinflated prices for them on Valentine’s day!
This year for some reason though I really wanted a wafflemaker about the same time as Valentines day, so guess what?
That’s what my sweetie gave me...and I love it!
He thinks I’m a little weird for wanting something like that, but I still love it!

Isn't it cool? It even makes two at the same time and it's just like the ones at the hotels!