So this may sound like a strange question, but where did the month of September go? And the next question is, where have I been? I guess I would be somewhat accurate in saying that there wasn't much that happened during the month of September because the boys were back in school and things suddenly got quiet around here, but that's definitely not all that happened in September.
To begin with, Patrick came all the way from Korea for a month long visit during the last part of August and the first part of September and we enjoyed getting to spend some time with him...although we didn't see him much! He was here though to help me out when Rod had his sinus surgery on August 26th and I was forever grateful for all of his help during that time.
Rod has suffered his whole life with sinus headaches and about 25 years ago he had major surgery because his sinuses were so impacted with infection that he could have died. I've heard horror stories about that surgery, like how painful it was and how bad Rod looked afterward and how he was out of work for weeks. Since that surgery, Rod hasn't had any more problems with his sinuses until the last couple of years and then he started having reoccurring problems with them every few months. At first, just knowing how bad his first surgery had been, Rod absolutely refused to go through that again and was willing to do most anything to avoid it, but after he kept having problems over and over again and all he seemed to be doing was "bandaid"ing the problem with medication, he finally decided that he would give in and have the surgery again. It ended up being a 3 hour long surgery and I was a little worried about how Rod would do because of all that I'd heard about his previous surgery 25 years ago, but he did great! He was off his medication by the day after the surgery and other than a little bruising and swelling around his eye, he even looked great. Of course, he wouldn't let me near him with my camera, so you'll just have to take my word for it though!
During the month that Patrick was here, we had a few family dinners and we even got to meet his girlfriend, Marie that he met here in Clinton just before he left for Korea in March. We had fun getting to know her a little and spending time with Jon and his girlfriend, Brittney too. Chris was a little more illusive. We did get to see him once, but that was about it. I thought that he'd come just for the food and the company, but obviously it takes more than that. Maybe someday I'll figure him out...or not!
Other than that, we've been busy with soccer every Wednesday and Friday night. Both Connor and Hayden decided to play during the fall season and they've loved it. In the spring, Connor's games were on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Hayden's were on Wednesdays and Fridays, so we were gone every single night with one boy or the other. Now that Connor is in 1st Grade though, their games are on the same night and that has turned out to be a bonus...except for the nights when their games are at the same time and at different places, but I think that only happened twice the whole season. They're definitely improving though and it's been fun watching their games. At least we've been able to sit out and watch the games on the sidelines rather than from inside the van because the weather has been much more pleasant this fall than it was in the spring.
Did I mention that I ran another marathon this month? I ran the Top of Utah marathon with my friends Jodee, Carmen and Megan and while it wasn't one of my favorite ones, I was glad I did it. It was my 5th marathon overall and the 3rd time running the Top of Utah...and I posted my worst time ever! I think that's part of the reason I didn't like this run so much. I started out running with all of my friends because we were just going to make it a "fun run" since several of us had been injured throughout the summer (including me) and Carmen's sister, Lori was running her first marathon. As we ran down out of the canyon, I kept having a hard time holding back with all of the momentum the downhill was giving us, so after a while I went ahead and my friends assured me that if I slowed down, they'd be right behind me...and they were, but even when I died and slowed way down to wait for them, I never could see them! I was kind of bummed that I'd left them. Then when they finished only 2 minutes behind me, I was even more bummed because my worst fear had come true. I had run at least half the marathon all by myself and my friends had been only minutes behind me...and because of my own selfishness, I wasn't with them! I can honestly say I learned my lesson and I won't be doing that again!
Now that October is here, I have grand intentions of posting every week...but who knows? Maybe it will turn out to be just like every other month. I guess at least I've left myself plenty of room for improvement!